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Writer's pictureNicki Thiel

Peeps - Tribe - Niche'rs

Picture this…

The sun is shining as five friends enter the glass doors. Their laughter is friendly and welcoming. Each slips off her shoes and sits down on a Stability Chair ready to get their Pilates on.

Five minutes into class the laughter has subsided and the work has begun. Each is having to concentrate on their leg work….

Today is LEG DAY with a little bit of cardio thrown in.

Halfway through the class we throw in some resistance bands for a little “battle rope” type challenge. Heart rates are on the rise and coordination is being challenged.

The joyful laughter returns, the vibrations are on the rise, and no one seems to notice how hard they are working now because of how much fun they are having.

We close with deep core and abdominals.

A few grunts and groans are heard along with encouragement for just 5 more reps.

I smile.

Not only am I right where I want to be, but I know my clients are also.

Rewind three days...

I am visiting with a young client. I think she would be a great instructor and tell her so.

She’s a bit of an introvert, (FYI I think that is a plus) and wondered how she could handle working with people… especially if she didn’t really like them.

I share these two stories because the first answers the second.

I believe God and the universe solve this potential problem and the people we are meant to serve find us.

The people who come through my door are the people I am meant help.

They are my PEEPS.

We may not agree on every point, but those who stick around have the follow in common:

- a desire to be their best

- the grace to aid another become their best

- humble and teachable

- kind of heart and generous by nature

- honest communicators

- intelligent and wise

- oh....and they most likely have pets

We are a TRIBE!

We have found our place, our corner of the world and we choose to learn, grow, and become. We choose to create a body our souls can reside with joy. We choose to change not only ourselves, but to mindfully spread that joy.

I realize it sounds lofty, but why shouldn’t it?

I want you to know what Pilates and Healing at The Niche looks like.

I hope to allow you see who it helps, but also to recognize how it feels.

I invite you to place yourself into the story see if you are the next chapter.

I officially dub us Niche’rs.

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